3105 NE 14th Street, Ocala Florida 34470
P: 352-629-2415   | F: 352-629-5490
3105 NE 14th Street, Ocala Florida 34470
P: 352-629-2415   | F: 352-629-5490

Septic System Requirements

Meeting the Septic System Permitting Requirements
Under the Springs and Aquifer Protection Act

WHAT HOMEOWNERS & REALTORS NEED TO KNOW – Meeting the Septic System Permitting Requirements Under the Springs and Aquifer Protection Act.

WHAT HOMEBUILDERS NEED TO KNOW– Meeting the Septic System Permitting Requirements
Under the Springs and Aquifer Protection Act


In 2016, the Florida Legislature identified 30 “Outstanding Florida Springs” that require additional protections to ensure their conservation and restoration for future generations. These protections will be outlined in restoration plans, known as Basin Management Action Plans (BMAPs). These plans are focused on reducing nitrogen pollution that is impacting the water quality of these springs. Nutrients, specifically nitrogen and phosphorous, are naturally present in the water and necessary for the healthy growth of plant and animal
life. However, too much nitrogen or phosphorous can harm water quality. Excess nutrients can come from insufficient treatment at wastewater treatment facilities, stormwater runoff, densely clustered septic systems and fertilizer use. The legislation requires each BMAP to identify the sources of nitrogen pollution within the springshed, and include projects and strategies that will achieve the reductions needed to improve water quality in the region.